We invite you to join us for a NEW FOZA PODCAST - Episode 20 recognizes National Maternal Mental Health Month, #MMHMonth, and we’re highlighting a few of the resources #FOZAInc has aligned with to learn, to grow, to collect data and to broaden the mission of #PPDAwareness.
Please tune in. MMH has had some exciting successes as well as continuing challenges as together we support and encourage mothers, birthing people, families, professionals, and communities. Thank you for coming on the journey to stop the stigma, the silence, the suicides, and the suffering that can accompany postpartum depression, and related maternal mental health issues. Sharing hashtags helps to keep us strong #FOZA4PPDAwareness #Listen2Moms #Share2BeAware #mom_congress #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #PolicyCenterMMH #PostpartumHelp #MaternalMentalHealth #MMHMonth #HealingStartsWithHelp #HealingStartsWithAwareness #MMHMonth #Journaling4LessStress
FOZA Episode 11 - Can a Social Media Detox Reduce Anxiety? Welcome to this episode of the Friends of Zayne Adams, (FOZA) Podcast where we focus on bringing awareness to postpartum depression, preventing maternal suicides and supporting the children who are left behind. Many of us spend an unhealthy amount of time consuming the content of some social media platforms…however, for the perinatal and postpartum mom the time spent “scrolling” may expose them to a negative/toxic environment. We encourage sustaining confidence and self-esteem. Self-value is critical. Let us encourage safe places and ways to uplift mothers. This podcast: “Can a Social Media Detox Reduce Anxiety?” is created to benefit perinatal and postpartum moms, maternal mental wellness professionals, family members and advocates of MMH. In this message, we hope you will find positive and constructive paths to a healthy balance for using social media during what can be a stressful time. Credits: www.thehysteriacollective.com || www.declutterthemind.com|| www.verywellmind.com The FOZA Podcast is Produced by: www.addvoyces.com Listen Now: https://www.fozainc.org/podcasts and please share with anyone you feel will benefit. VISIT FOZA: o Friends of Zayne Adams at https://www.fozainc.org o FOZA on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FOZAInc o FOZA on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fozainc/ o FOZA on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/71680027 o FOZA on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfkpCL1jMqITPlOM0KPR5yw · Be a guest on the FOZA Podcast for Maternal Mental Wellness · https://www.fozainc.org/podcasts.html · Sponsor FOZA by advertising your business or starting your own Podcast · https://tinyurl.com/ccp96s5w · Request a free FOZA: https://www.fozainc.org/gift-a-foza for a child whose parent(s) died due to postpartum depression or a maternal suicide. -------------------------------------------------------------------- #foza4ppdawareness, #PostpartumDepressionAwarness, #giftafoza, #suicideprevention, #addvoyces #maternalMentalHealth, #FOZAScholarshipforPPDAwareness, #mentalhealth, #hope, #faith, #empowerment, #endurance, #blessings, #purpose, #passion, #joy, #healthandwellness, #business #personaldevelopment, #motivation |
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