Hi there, FOZA Fans, and thank you for joining in on a NEW FOZA PODCAST – This is Episode 31. - “Bridging the Accessibility Gap with Virtual Therapy.”
We know from countless moms and even medical professionals themselves that there are barriers to accessing appropriate care for maternal mental health concerns. On this podcast, we are honored to have with us, Amy Green, the CEO/Founder @Mamaya Health, located in Nashville Tenn, and serving birthing people around the nation through their growing virtual therapy program. Amy is a licensed clinical social worker, an endorsed infant mental health specialist, and a certified perinatal mental health professional. Tune in as Amy shares her vision of “Bridging the Accessibility Gap with Virtual Therapy.” --------------------------------------------------- Donate - www.FOZAInc.org/donate Volunteer - www.FOZAInc.org/volunteers Let us help you find resources - www.FOZAInc.org/foza-finder --------------------------------------------- Thanks for sharing hashtags ... it helps to keep awareness strong #Share2BeAware #mom_congress #PolicyCenterMMH #PostpartumHelp #MaternalMentalHealth #HealingStartsWithAwareness #Journaling4LessStress
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