Our Why: On January 2, 2018, Postpartum depression and death by suicide claimed the life of Christina LaShawn Thompson-Adams.
She left behind a one-month old son, a husband, mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandparents, in-laws, cousins and friends. Christina was a sweet and wonderful earth bound Angel, who became an Angel on high. Friends of Zayne Adams, FOZA Inc. was created as a non-profit organization to provide awareness, education and resources to communities regarding postpartum depression and educational support for the children who have lost a parent due to a depression-related illness. Our Mission: To provide supportive resources to families affected by postpartum depression, maternal suicides, and supporting the children who are left behind; we are advocates for maternal mental health wellness.
FOZA Inc., (Friends of Zayne Adams), is a nonprofit organization focused on connecting resources to the families and the children left behind after the tragedy of suicide due to postpartum depression and the challenges of all mental illnesses.
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